The Black Links publication was founded in 1999. The publication is now in its second decade. It is re-launched as Black Links United Kingdom with an online business directory and an offline version published as a business and consumer magazine. Additionally, there is a series of 6 themed iMagazines that accompany the directory.

The directory has a growing database which is at the centre of black business diversity, enterprise and intelligence initiative. It serves as a platform for business opportunities and growth in the UK and the British Diaspora.


The UK’s leading Black Business is divided into the following sections:


Please click HERE to choose your advertisement size and submit your advertisement. Connect with consumers in the Directory and get noticed by competitors and leaders in your sector of industry in the B-2-B Magazines. See the DISTRIBUTION plan above.

Corporate Section

Themed editorial covering all business sectors:
Professional Services, Creative & Cultural Industries, Third Sector including Faith Groups and Charities, Public Sector, Leisure and Entertainment, International Trade and Networking

The editorial will include news, reviews, interviews and market research covering the following issues:

  • Global Trade and Business
    • Access to Finance
    • Funding
    • Procurement
    • Marketing Intelligence
    • International Trade and Networking
    • Business Start-ups
    • Research and Development
    • Imports and Exports

Classified / Directory Section

A business and organisational classification for the thousands of black owned businesses which are continually increasing. These businesses form the largest database of black owned businesses both regionally and nationally within the UK, across Europe as it expands globally.


  • Business to Business
    • Central and local government organisations
    • Private corporate companies targeting the black and minority ethnic sector
    • Universities and Colleges
    • Individuals and consumers interested in the black marketplace


Black Links UK has 6 themed magazines. Each magazine is a standalone publication. All the magazines contain articles and advertising. Included is a mini-directory with the listings of the businesses and organisations from the Black Links database that are specific to the themed business sectors. It is these magazines and their launch events that come together to become the grand finale Directory 2019/20, and the ANNUAL LAUNCH EVENT that marks the distribution of the hard copies of the directory.


This is distributed free of charge to:

  • The Black community homes, organisations and associations
    • Nationwide businesses, business centres and professional offices
    • Purchasing personnel at major corporations agencies, embassies and high commissions
    • Government offices, colleges, universities and central libraries

The ANNUAL LAUNCH Event is the event of the year. It marks the culmination of all the previous themed magazine events to create the most prestigious and sought after grand finale.

The Event is an opportunity for the Black Links UK directory members, its advertisers, supporters and other invited guests to meet their counterparts in a professional and social environment where the agenda allows for accolades, business and social networking.

This is when the BLUK team and supporters who have been responsible for the success and promotion of Black Links UK say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to you. This is in recognition of your contribution and the new entrants to the Directory who have continued to make it an economic resource of the black business and consumer community.

Annual Event Details

Time, Date and Venue: To be announced via media, website and email

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