he Presidential Touch helps Independent Artistes create a Unique Brand Identity that sets them apart.
Your name as an artiste is a brand! It is very important that you have a distinctive brand name that people will recoginize all the time.
Everytime you release a song, mixtape, E.P or an Album, your artwork says a lot about you and your body of work. We live in a visual world, the creatives you post on Social Media helps propell your music gives your fans soemthing to share.Â
As much as social media is good for your career, you do not own it. Your website is your number one online asset you can own 100% of. From selling your merch to showcasing your videos, there’s no limit.
Let us create share-worthy short memes and fun videos that are congruent with your song and brand. These types of meme spread like wide-fire on social media.
You cannot rely on your friends to publicize your music. You need to run strategic, well planned and targeted Ads to expose your music to the millions of new listeners.