Customer Care Plan

  1. Window Signage Sticker displaying you as a BLG CUSTOMER CARE MEMBER
  2. BLG Profile Page displaying you as a BLG CUSTOMER CARE MEMBER
  3. Receive Window Signage Sticker displaying you as a BLG CUSTOMER CARE MEMBER
  4. You decide the discount to be applied against the products, services and events of your choice.
  5. Your BLG Profile Page will display you as a BLG CUSTOMER CARE MEMBER
  6. The marketing, advertising and promotion of BLGCM highlights you as a member and directs card holders to patronise your business or organisation.
  7. Receive special offers, benefits and promotions from the array of BLG Revenues and Resources.

Please visit the webpage re:  BLG CUSTOMER CARE MEMBER services

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